
John Wallencheck

I’m John, Founder and Owner of Wallencheck Media Solutions. It is my mission to give small business owners and entrepreneurs back the only non-renewable resource in this world… time. All the while, helping make their companies grow.

As someone with 20 years of sales and marketing experience, I know that it takes a lot of hard work to have a successful career or business. I also know that as a husband and father to three sons, your family is important too. This became especially true when my wife and I found out that our two youngest sons have Autism Spectrum Disorders. To say the least, it has been stressful to handle the unique challenges of children with developmental disabilities. When you have a career where you’re expected to increase sales on a regular basis, the pressure to be a good parent and employee can be overwhelming.

It took me a long time to figure out that it is actually possible to be there with your family more and grow your business at the same time. I know. That sounds like an oxymoron, like Jumbo Shrimp, but it’s true! That’s where a Virtual Assistant, like me, can help.

I can take all of the Social Media Management tasks, that even if you like doing them, are a HUGE timesuck… and do them for you! Meanwhile, I can track and analyze what is working best for you. Then, I can develop a strategy that will increase traffic and conversions (those are fancy marketing buzzwords for interested buyers and sales) for you.